Splunk ES

Splunk Enterprise Security

Splunk Enterprise Security provides the security practitioner with visibility into security-relevant threats found in today's enterprise infrastructure. Splunk Enterprise Security is built on the Splunk operational intelligence platform and uses the search and correlation capabilities, allowing users to capture, monitor, and report on data from security devices, systems, and applications. As issues are identified, security analysts can quickly investigate and resolve the security threats across the access, endpoint, and network protection domains.

About the ES solution architecture


Before initiating the installation process, it's important to verify if your data is CIM-compliant (normalization process) for all sources using multiple methods, including:


Required Apps/Addons



  • Configure → General → General Settings:

    • Distributed Configuration Management (Download Splunk "helper" applications for distributed deployments)

    • Domain Analysis

    • Large Email Threshold

    • Microsoft 365

    • Top 1M Site Source

  • Configure → CIM Setup:

    • Alerts

    • Application State

    • Authentication

    • Certificates

    • Change Analysis

    • Change

    • Compute Inventory

    • Data Access

    • Databases

    • DLP

    • Email

    • Endpoint

    • Event Signatures

    • Interprocess Messaging

    • Intrusion Detection

    • JVM

    • Malware

    • Network Resolution

    • Network Sessions

    • Network Traffic

    • Performance

    • Ticket Management

    • Updates

    • Vulnerabilities

    • Web

  • Configure → Data Enrichment → Asset and Identity Management:

    • Asset Lookups → New → LDAP Lookup

    • Identity Lookups → New → LDAP Lookup

    • Correlation Setup → Enable for all sourcetypes

  • Configure → Data Enrichment → Threat Intelligence Management:

    • Sources → Enable | New --- Note: Needed to open the URLs (on firewall) for Search head to access all sources and download IoCs to keep it up to date.

    • Global Settings → Parse domain from URL

  • Configure → Content:

    • Content Management (Type: Correlation Search) → Enable | Create New Content

    • Use Case Library

Use Cases - Correlation Searches

  • DA-ESS-AccessProtection

  • DA-ESS-EndpointProtection

  • DA-ESS-IdentityManagement

  • DA-ESS-NetworkProtection

  • DA-ESS-ThreatIntelligence

  • SA-AccessProtection

  • SA-AuditAndDataProtection

  • SA-EndpointProtection

  • SA-IdentityManagement

  • SA-NetworkProtection

  • SA-ThreatIntelligence

Uninstall Splunk ES (Linux)
# Stop Splunk
/opt/splunk/bin/splunk stop

# Uninstall Splunk ES
cd /opt/splunk/etc/apps
rm -rf SplunkEnterpriseSecurity*
rm -rf SA-*
rm -rf DA-ESS*
Troubleshoot & Others
KV Store Logs file:
cat /opt/splunk/var/log/splunk/mongod.log

chmod 600 /opt/splunk/var/lib/splunk/kvstore/mongo/splunk.key


Enterprise Security




Last updated