SSH Logins
index=linux "Accepted Publickey" OR "session opened" OR "Accepted password" src!="PAM_IP_ADDR" src!="" user!="" | table _time,user,src,dest,src_port,sshd_protocol,action
SSH Logins (Syslog - SC4S)
index=osnix source="program:sshd" "Accepted Publickey" OR "session opened" _raw!="*PAM_IP_ADDR*"
| table _time,host,sc4s_fromhostip,user
| dedup _time,host,user | sort -_time
Console logins for Linux Servers
index=osnix OR index=linux "Started Session 7 of"
| table _time,host,_raw
Admin Console
index=appian source="*admin_console.csv" | table _time,Property,Count
Blocked Files
index=appian source="*blocked_files.csv*" | table _time,User,"Document Name",Reason,Details,Hash
Data Store Deletions
index=appian source="*data_store_deletions*" | table _time,"Data Store",Entity,Id,"Node Display Name",User
index=appian source="*decryption.csv*" | table _time,Username,Context,Action,Success
DevOps Infrastructure
index=appian source="*devops_infrastructure.csv" | table _time,ID,Name,URL,"Last Action Username","Last Action Type","Last Action Name","Last Action IP","Last Action Date","Remote Enabled"
Devops Infrastructure Handler
index=appian source="*devops_infrastructure_handler.csv" | table ID,Name,URL,"IP Address","Status Code","Error Occurred","Direction","Before or After Request Processed"
File Attachment Downloads
index=appian source="*file_attachment_downloads.csv*" "File name"!="*.png" "File name"!="*.ico" "File name"!="*.jpg" | table _time,User,"File name","Download Successful"
Login Audit
index=appian source="*login-audit.csv" API_USER!="API-USER" | table _time,API_USER,"Web API",Succeeded | rename API_USER as "User" , Succeeded as "Action"
Object Rolemap Audit
index=appian source="*object_rolemap_audit.csv" | table _time,Username,Name,Type,"Previous Rolemap","New Rolemap"
Records Usage
index=appian source="*records_usage.csv*" | table _time,User,View,"Record Type Name",Action
Removed Processes
index=appian source="*removed*" | table _time,Action,"Process ID","Process Name","Transaction ID",Username
Sites Usage
index=appian source="*sites_usage.csv*" | table _time,User,Site,Page,Action
index=appian source="*users.csv" | table _time,"Active LDAP Users","Active SAML Users","Active System Administrators","Active Tempo Users","Active Users","Total Users"
User Management
index=appian source="*user_management.csv" | search Action!="Log Initialized" | table _time,Action,"Modified By Username",Username,"Original Value","New Value"
index=crowdstrike user!="" action!="" | table _time,user,event.ServiceName,action
CrowdStrike FW - RDP Sessions
index=crowdstrike rdp event.LocalAddress!="PAM_IP_ADDR"
| table _time,event.HostName,event.LocalAddress,event.RemoteAddress,event.PolicyName,event.RuleGroupName,event.RuleAction
Malware Detections
index="crowdstrike" "metadata.eventType"=DetectionSummaryEvent metadata.customerIDString=* event.DetectId!=""
| table _time,action,description,event.ComputerName,event.DetectName,event.FileName,event.FilePath,event.IOCType,event.IOCValue,event.LocalIP,event.MACAddress,event.Objective,event.SeverityName,event.Tactic,event.Technique,event.UserName,event.CommandLine,event.AssociatedFile
index=crowdstrike "metadata.eventType"=UserActivityAuditEvent
| search "event.OperationName"=*policy
| table _time,*OperationName,*ServiceName,*UserId,*UserIp,*policy_name,*policy_enabled
index="crowdstrike" source=crowdstrike_filevantage_json
| table _time,entity_type,severity,action_type,action_timestamp,command_line,entity_path,grandparent_process_image_file_name,parent_process_image_file_name,host.name,host.local_ip,host.os_version,policy.name,policy.rule_group.name
index=crowdstrike sourcetype="crowdstrike:identities" riskScoreSeverity="HIGH"
| table _time,primaryDisplayName,isHuman,isProgrammatic,emailAddresses{},accounts{}.userAccountControl,accounts{}.title,accounts{}.samAccountName,accounts{}.ou,accounts{}.enabled,accounts{}.dn,accounts{}.dataSource,accounts{}.department,accounts{}.description,type,roles{}.type,riskScoreSeverity,riskFactors{}.type,riskFactors{}.severity
Event Streams
index=crowdstrike sourcetype="CrowdStrike:Event:Streams:JSON"
| table _time,ta_*,metadata.eventType,event.UserIp,event.Source,event.SourceIp,event.OperationName,event.Attributes.scopes,event.Attributes.produces,action
index=netwaf severity="Critical" OR severity="High" AND request_status="blocked"
| table _time,attack_type,severity,sig_cves,sub_violations,"blocking_exception_reason",captcha_result,device_id,f5_bigip_service,geo_location,http_class_name,ip_client,method,request_status,response,request,uri,x_forwarded_for_header_value, violations
index=netops host="*waf*" sourcetype="f5:bigip:syslog" AUDIT object | table _time,_raw
index=netwaf severity="Critical" OR severity="High" OR severity="Medium" AND request_status="blocked"
| table _time,attack_type,severity,sig_cves,sub_violations,"blocking_exception_reason",captcha_result,device_id,f5_bigip_service,geo_location,http_class_name,ip_client,method,request_status,response,request,uri,x_forwarded_for_header_value, violations
Email - AntiMalware
index=symantec_email sourcetype="symantec:email:cloud:antimalware" | table _time,malwareName,sender,orig_recipient
Email - AntiSpam
index=symantec_email sourcetype="symantec:email:cloud:antispam" | table _time,sender,senderIp,recipient,subject,action,detectionMethod,emailSize
index=infraops source="vm*" "vim.event.UserLog*" | table time,action,user,datastore,message
VM Events
index=infraops source="vm*" action="vim.event.VmBe*" | table _time,action,user,message
Umbrella (DNS)
index=cisco_umbrella | table _time,user,action,ReplyCode,RecordType,category,domain,granular_identity_type,identities,identity_type,s3_filename,src,src_translated_ip
Umbrella (Audit)
index=cisco_umbrella sourcetype="cisco:umbrella:audit" action!="" _raw!="*roamingdevices*" | table _time,email,user,source_val,action,ip,body
ISE (Guest Users)
index=netauth SelectedAuthenticationIdentityStores="Guest Users" AuthenticationStatus="UnknownUser" | table _time,"Framed_IP_Address",EndPointMatchedProfile,SelectedAuthorizationProfiles
Router logins
index=netops Login | table _time,host,src,user,action
FMC - Blocked File Transfer Services
index=cisco_secure_fw file action=Block | table _time,AC_RuleAction,Application,FirewallPolicy,FirewallRule,InitiatorIP,ResponderIP,URL,URL_Category
FMC - Audit Logs
index=osnix source="program:FMC.qudsbank.ps" policy | table _time,_raw
FMC Policy Changes
index=osnix source="program:FMC.qudsbank.ps" "*policy deployment*" OR "*rule_configs*" OR "*Policy Committed*" OR "*Save Policy*" | table _time,_raw | sort -_time
SNA (Stealthwatch)
|securityevents domain_id=301 smc_ip=SNA_IP_ADDR earliest=-24h@h latest=now
subject_ip= subject_host_group_id=
peer_ip= peer_host_group_id= subject_orientation=EITHER
security_event_type_id_list=all ports_list=
hit_count_low_value= hit_count_high_value=
ci_points_low_value= ci_points_high_value=
filter_by=FLOW_COLLECTOR flow_collector_list="301" max_rows=2000 | sort 0 - ci_points | eval start_time=strftime(strptime(start_time."+0000","%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ%z"),"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %Z") | eval last_time=strftime(strptime(last_time."+0000","%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ%z"),"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %Z") | eval ci_points = tostring(ci_points, "commas"), hit_count = tostring(hit_count, "commas") | makemv delim=";" source_host_group_names | makemv delim=";" target_host_group_names | fields "fc_name", "start_time", "last_time", "event_type_name", "ci_points", "hit_count", "source_ip", "source_host_group_names", "source_hostname", "source_username", "source_mac", "target_ip", "target_host_group_names", "target_hostname", "target_username", "target_mac", "details" | rename "fc_name" as "Appliance", "start_time" as "Start Active Time", "last_time" as "Last Active Time", "event_type_name" as "Security Event", "source_ip" as "Source IP", "source_host_group_names" as "Source Host Group(s)", "source_hostname" as "Source Hostname", "target_ip" as "Target IP", "target_host_group_names" as "Target Host Group(s)", "target_hostname" as "Target Hostname", "ci_points" as "CI Points", "hit_count" as "Hit Count", "details" as "Details", "source_username" as "Source Username", "target_username" as "Target Username", "source_mac" as "Source MAC", "target_mac" as "Target MAC"
Active Directory
AD - <Group_Name> Group Alert
index=wineventlog (EventCode=4728 OR EventCode=4729) Group_Name="Change_Me!"
| rename src_user AS "Actioned By", src_user_first AS "First Name" src_user_last AS "Last Name" name as "Action Taken"
| rex mode=sed field="Account_Name" "s/CN=//g"
| rex mode=sed field="Account_Name" "s/cn=//g"
| rex mode=sed field="Account_Name" "s/,OU.*//g"
| rex mode=sed field="Account_Name" "s/\\\//g"
| table "Actioned By" "First Name" "Last Name" Account_Name "Action Taken" Group_Name Account_Domain _time
| sort - _time
Console logins
index=wineventlog EventCode=4624 Logon_Type=2 | table _time,host,user,dvc,action,command | dedup _time
Installed Applications
index=windows sourcetype="Script:InstalledApps" | table _time,host,DisplayName,Source,Publisher,InstallSource,InstallDate
Local Admin Account
index=wineventlog EventCode=4732 Group_Name=Administrators
| table _time,ComputerName,Group_Name,Account_Name,Message
Failed Logins for Disabled Accounts
index=wineventlog source="*:Security" EventCode=4625 Sub_Status="0xC0000072" | table _time,Account_Name,app,src,src_ip,dest,name
Dormant Account
| ldapsearch domain=default search="(&(objectclass=user)(!(objectClass=computer)))" limit=0 attrs="sAMAccountName, displayName, distinguishedName, userAccountControl, whenCreated, accountExpires, lastLogonTimestamp"
| makemv userAccountControl
| search dn!="*OU=_Disabled Users*" userAccountControl!="*ACCOUNTDISABLE*"
| eval accountDisable=if(userAccountControl == "ACCOUNTDISABLE
| eval dontExpirePasswd=if(userAccountControl="DONT_EXPIRE_PASSWD
| eval passwdNotRequired=if(userAccountControl == "PASSWD_NOTREQD
| eval lastLoginAge_epoch=strptime(lastLogonTimestamp, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S")
| eval lastLoginAge=round((lastLoginAge_epoch - now())/86400, 0)
| where lastLoginAge < -90
| table sAMAccountName, displayName, dn, userAccountControl, whenCreated, accountDisable, dontExpirePasswd, passwdNotRequired, lastLoginAge, lastLogonTimestamp, accountExpires
Passwords Never Changed - Active Accounts:
| ldapsearch domain=default search="(&(objectCategory=person)(objectClass=user)(!(userAccountControl:1.2.840.113556.1.4.803:=2))(userAccountControl:1.2.840.113556.1.4.803:=65536))" attrs="sAMAccountName,pwdLastSet" | table sAMAccountName, dn, pwdLastSet
Passwords Last Changed - Active Accounts:
| ldapsearch domain="default" search="(&(objectCategory=person)(objectClass=user)(!(userAccountControl:1.2.840.113556.1.4.803:=2)))" attrs="sAMAccountName,pwdLastSet" | table sAMAccountName, pwdLastSet
Password removed from never expired
index=wineventlog source="*:Security" EventCode=4738 name="A user account was changed" body="*'Don't Expire Password' - Disabled*"
| eval time = strftime(_time,"%c")
| table time,host,name,user,Logon_ID,src_user,dest
| rename time as "Time" , name as "Action" , user as "Created User" , Logon_ID as "Session ID" ,src_user as "User Created By :", dest as "Destination DC", host as "Hostname"
Password Set as Never Expired
index=wineventlog source="*:Security" EventCode=4738 name="A user account was changed" body="*'Don't Expire Password' - Enabled*"
| eval time = strftime(_time,"%c")
| table time,host,name,user,Logon_ID,src_user,dest
| rename time as "Time" , name as "Action" , user as "Modified User" , Logon_ID as "Session ID" ,src_user as "User Modified By :", dest as "Destination DC", host as "Hostname"
Detect Windows Account Privilege Changes
index=wineventlog source="*:Security" (EventCode=4672 OR EventCode=4673) | table _time,host,user,app,action,name,Privileges
User Modifications
index=wineventlog source="*:Security" EventCode=4722 OR EventCode=4725 OR EventCode=4720 OR EventCode=4726 user!=*$
| eval time = strftime(_time,"%c")
| table time,host,name,user,src_user
| rename time as "Time" , name as "Action" , user as "Target User" , src_user as "Account Modified By", host as "Hostname"
A member was added to Domain Admin Group
index=wineventlog source="*:Security" EventCode=4728 Group_Name="Domain Admins" Message="*A member was added to a security-enabled global group*" name="A member was added to a security-enabled global group"
| eval time = strftime(_time,"%c")
| table time,host,name,user,src_user,Group_Name
| rename time as "Time" , name as "Action" , user as "Target User" ,src_user as "User Modified By :", host as "Hostname", Group_Name as "Group_Name"
A member was Removed from Domain Admin Group
index=wineventlog source="*:Security" EventCode=4729 Group_Name="Domain Admins" Message="A member was removed from a security-enabled global group*" name="A member was removed from a security-enabled global group"
| eval time = strftime(_time,"%c")
| table time,host,name,user,src_user,Group_Name
| rename time as "Time" , name as "Action" , user as "Target User" ,src_user as "User Modified By :", host as "Hostname", Group_Name as "Group_Name"
A new Machine/Pc was Disabled
index=wineventlog source="*:Security" EventCode=4725 user=*$
| eval time = strftime(_time,"%c")
| table time,host,name,user,Logon_ID,src_user,dest
| rename time as "Time" , name as "Action" , user as "Disabled Host" , Logon_ID as "Session ID" ,src_user as "PC Disabled By :", dest as "Destination DC", host as "Hostname"
A new Machine/Pc was Enabled
index=wineventlog source="*:Security" EventCode=4722 user=*$
| eval time = strftime(_time,"%c")
| table time,host,name,user,Logon_ID,src_user,dest
| rename time as "Time" , name as "Action" , user as "Enabled Host" , Logon_ID as "Session ID" ,src_user as "User Enabled By :", dest as "Destination DC", host as "Hostname"
A user Account was Created
index=wineventlog source="*:Security" EventCode=4720
| eval time = strftime(_time,"%c")
| table time,host,name,user,Display_Name,src_user,dest
| rename time as "Time" , name as "Action" , user as "Created User", Display_Name as "Display Name" ,src_user as "User Created By :", dest as "Destination DC", host as "Hostname"
A user Account was Deleted
index=wineventlog source="*:Security" EventCode=4726
| eval time = strftime(_time,"%c")
| table time,host,name,user,Logon_ID,src_user,dest
| rename time as "Time" , name as "Action" , user as "Created User" , Logon_ID as "Session ID" ,src_user as "User Created By :", dest as "Destination DC", host as "Hostname"
A user Account was Disabled
index=wineventlog source="*:Security" EventCode=4725 user!=*$
| eval time = strftime(_time,"%c")
| table time,host,name,user,Logon_ID,src_user,dest
| rename time as "Time" , name as "Action" , user as "Target User" , Logon_ID as "Session ID" ,src_user as "User Modified By :", dest as "Destination DC", host as "Hostname"
A user Account was Enabled
index=wineventlog source="*:Security" EventCode=4722 user!=*$
| eval time = strftime(_time,"%c")
| table time,host,name,user,Logon_ID,src_user,dest
| rename time as "Time" , name as "Action" , user as "Enabled User" , Logon_ID as "Session ID" ,src_user as "User Enabled By :", dest as "Destination DC", host as "Hostname"
Check for Disabled User Accounts:
| ldapsearch domain="default" search="(&(objectCategory=person)(objectClass=user)(userAccountControl:1.2.840.113556.1.4.803:=2))" attrs="sAMAccountName" | table sAMAccountName,dn
RDP Connections
index=wineventlog Logon_Type=10 ((EventCode=4624 OR EventCode=528) OR (EventCode=4625 OR EventCode=529))
| eval action=CASE(EventCode=4624 OR EventCode=528, "Success", EventCode=4625 OR EventCode=529, "Failure")
| table _time, user, src, dest,action
Member Added/Removed
index="wineventlog" EventCode=4761 OR EventCode=4762 OR EventCode=4728 OR EventCode=4729 |eval time = strftime(_time,"%c") |table time,name,MemberName,Group_Name,src_user |rename time as "Time" , name as "Action" , MemberName as "Member Name Added/Removed" , Group_Name as "Group Name" , src_user as "Member Added/Removed By :"
Security Group mgmt changed:
index="wineventlog" EventCode=4735 OR EventCode=4737 |eval time = strftime(_time,"%c") |table time,name,src_user,TargetUserName,dest,session_id |rename time as "Time" , name as "Action" , src_user as "Source User", TargetUserName as " Target Group " , dest as " Destination DC" , session_id as "Session ID"
User Enabled/Disabled:
index="wineventlog" EventCode=4722 OR EventCode=4725 |eval time = strftime(_time,"%c") |table time,name,user,src_user |rename time as "Time" , name as "Action" , user as "Target User" , src_user as "Account Enabled/Disabled By"
UserAccount Locked/Unlocked:
index="wineventlog" signature="A user account was locked out" OR signature="A user account was unlocked" |eval time = strftime(_time,"%c") |table time,dest_nt_domain,Group_Name,name,src_user |rename time as "Time" , Group_Name as "User Name" , dest_nt_domain as "Hostname", name as "Action" , src_user as "Locked/Unlocked By"
UserAccount Changed:
index="wineventlog" signature="A user account was changed" |eval time = strftime(_time,"%c") |table time,name,user,src_user,dest |rename time as "Time" , name as "Action" , user as " Target User" , src_user as "Changed By" , dest as "Destination DC"
User Created:
index="wineventlog" EventCode=4720 |eval time = strftime(_time,"%c") |table time,name,user,Logon_ID,src_user,dest |rename time as "Time" , name as "Action" , user as "Created User" , Logon_ID as "Session ID" ,src_user as "User Created By :", dest as "Destination DC"
Domain Policy Changed/Reset Passowrd:
index="wineventlog" signature="An attempt was made to change an account's password" OR signature="An attempt was made to reset an accounts password" |eval time = strftime(_time,"%c") |table time,name,user,src_user |rename time as "Time" , name as "Action" , user as "Target User" , src_user as "Password Changed/Reset By"
User Deleted By Admin:
index="wineventlog" EventCode=4726 |eval time = strftime(_time,"%c") |table time,name,src_user,user,dest |rename time as "Time" , name as "Action" , src_user as "Deleted By : ", user as "Deleted User: " , dest as "Destination DC"
index=pam act=Session dhost!="null" suser!="asc_117" | table _time, sname ,suser ,src ,dhost ,dst ,duser ,proto | rename sname as "Source Name", suser as "Source User", src as "Source IP", dhost as "Destitnation Host",dst as "Destination IP", proto as "Protocol", duser as "Destination User"
Device Creation
index=pam act=Device msg="Device creation*" | table _time,sname,src,cs3,cs4 | rename cs3 as "Server Name" , src as "Source IP" ,sname as "User Name" , cs4 as "Log Details"
Office365 - Attachment Size Policy
index=office365 | search "Parameters{}.Value"="Change_Me!" | table _time,UserId,Parameters{}.Name,Parameters{}.Value | rename UserId as "Modified by"
index=idrac virtual console | table _time,_raw
A user account was created
A user account was enabled
An attempt was made to change an account's password
An attempt was made to reset an accounts password
A user account was disabled
A user account was deleted
A user account was changed
The name of an account was changed
The password hash an account was accessed
An account was successfully logged on
A user account was locked out
An account was logged off
An account failed to log on
A logon was attempted using explicit credentials
A member was added to a security-enabled local group
A member was added to a security-enabled global group
A member was added to a security-enabled universal group
A member was removed from a security-enabled local group
A member was removed from a security-enabled global group
A member was removed from a security-enabled universal group
A registry value was modified
Special privileges assigned to new logon
A service was installed in the system
A scheduled task was created
A scheduled task was deleted
A scheduled task was enabled
A scheduled task was disabled
A scheduled task was updated
Windows is starting up
Windows is shutting down
The workstation was locked
The workstation was unlocked
A network share object was accessed
A network share object was checked to see whether client can be granted desired access
The audit log was cleared. (Security)
Failure Information:
The section explains why the logon failed.
Failure Reason: textual explanation of logon failure.
Status and Sub Status: Hexadecimal codes explaining the logon failure reason. Sometimes Sub Status is filled in and sometimes not. Below are the codes we have observed.
user name does not exist
user name is correct but the password is wrong
user is currently locked out
account is currently disabled
user tried to logon outside his day of week or time of day restrictions
workstation restriction, or Authentication Policy Silo violation (look for event ID 4820 on domain controller)
account expiration
expired password
clocks between DC and other computer too far out of sync
user is required to change password at next logon
evidently a bug in Windows and not a risk
The user has not been granted the requested logon type (aka logon right) at this machine
Logon Types
Batch (Scheduled Tasks)
Windows Services
Screen Lock/Unlock
Network (Cleartext Logon)
Alternate Credentials Specified (RunAs)
Remote Interactive (RDP)
Cached Credentials (e.g., Offline DC)
Cached Remote Interactive (RDP, similar to Type 10)
Cached Unlock (Similar to Type 7)
Last updated