fdisk /dev/sda
1. "d" to delete the only partition /dev/sda has.
2. "n" to create a new one. Running "n" will make fdisk interactively ask you some parameters for partition creation, you can just hit enter so it uses the default values.
3. Running the previous command does not write the changes to disk, to do this, you need to run the "w" command.
xfs_growfs /dev/sda1
Option 2: Resize by Adding a New Disk
# Create physical volume on the new disk
pvcreate /dev/sda
# Display volume group information
# Extend volume group with the new disk
vgextend <VG Name> /dev/sda
# Resize logical volume
lvextend -r -l +100%FREE /dev/mapper/<VG Name>-opt
# Update partition information