Integration Netflow with Splunk

Kernel Settings

Default Linux kernel settings may not be sufficient for high-volume packet capture, leading to potential data loss. To address this, update the kernel settings in your /etc/sysctl.conf file:

nano /etc/sysctl.conf
# Increase kernel buffer sizes for reliable packet capture
net.core.rmem_default = 33554432
net.core.rmem_max = 33554432
net.core.netdev_max_backlog = 10000

Reload the settings:

/sbin/sysctl -p


  1. Install Go:

  2. Create Index, Sourcetype, File

  • (Index) Settings → Indexes → New Index: Index Name: stream

  • (Sourcetype) Settings → Source types → New Source Type:

    Name: stream:netflow

    Category: Network & Security

    Indexed extractions: json

  • (File)

touch /var/log/netflow
  1. Install goflow:

dnf install git
cd /root
git clone
cd goflow/cmd/goflow
go build

Netflow V9

./goflow -kafka=false -sflow=false -nfl=false -logfmt=json -nf.addr=<IP Addr> -nf.port=2055 -workers=3 -message.fields="Type,TimeReceived,SequenceNum,TimeFlowStart,TimeFlowEnd,Bytes,Packets,SrcAddr,DstAddr,Proto,SrcPort,DstPort,InIf,OutIf,SrcMac,DstMac,SrcVlan,DstVlan,VlanId,TCPFlags,IcmpType,FragmentId,NextHop" >> /var/log/netflow

Netflow V5

./goflow -kafka=false -sflow=false -nf=false -logfmt=json -nfl.addr=<IP Addr> -nfl.port=9995 -workers=3 -message.fields="Type,TimeReceived,SequenceNum,TimeFlowStart,TimeFlowEnd,Bytes,Packets,SrcAddr,DstAddr,Proto,SrcPort,DstPort,InIf,OutIf,SrcMac,DstMac,SrcVlan,DstVlan,VlanId,TCPFlags,IcmpType,FragmentId,NextHop" >> /var/log/netflow
- Make sure to replace all occurrences of `<IP Addr>` with your specific IP address.

Monitor netflow file through universal forwarder

Add the following monitor stanza to inputs.conf:

disabled = false
index = stream
sourcetype = stream:netflow

Cronjob for Netflow

Edit the crontab:

crontab -e

Ensure no process is using UDP port 2055, kill if found. Then, reset netflow log and start Netflow V9:

59 23 * * 5 netstat -tulpn | awk '$4 ~ /:2055$/ {sub(/\/.*/, "", $NF); print $NF}' | xargs -r kill -9 ; echo "" > /var/log/netflow ; (cd /root/goflow/cmd/goflow && ./goflow -kafka=false -sflow=false -nfl=false -logfmt=json -nf.addr=<IP Addr> -nf.port=2055 -workers=3 -message.fields="Type,TimeReceived,SequenceNum,TimeFlowStart,TimeFlowEnd,Bytes,Packets,SrcAddr,DstAddr,Proto,SrcPort,DstPort,InIf,OutIf,SrcMac,DstMac,SrcVlan,DstVlan,VlanId,TCPFlags,IcmpType,FragmentId,NextHop" >> /var/log/netflow)

Ensure no process is using UDP port 9995, kill if found. Then, reset netflow log and start Netflow V5:

59 23 * * 5 netstat -tulpn | awk '$4 ~ /:9995$/ {sub(/\/.*/, "", $NF); print $NF}' | xargs -r kill -9 ; echo "" > /var/log/netflow ; (cd /root/goflow/cmd/goflow && ./goflow -kafka=false -sflow=false -nf=false -logfmt=json -nfl.addr=<IP Addr> -nfl.port=9995 -workers=3 -message.fields="Type,TimeReceived,SequenceNum,TimeFlowStart,TimeFlowEnd,Bytes,Packets,SrcAddr,DstAddr,Proto,SrcPort,DstPort,InIf,OutIf,SrcMac,DstMac,SrcVlan,DstVlan,VlanId,TCPFlags,IcmpType,FragmentId,NextHop" >> /var/log/netflow)

Last updated